• rajneeshojha111@gmail.com
  • +91-93020-58794
  • Philippines

    1 Capital Manila
    2 Official Language Filipino / English
    3 Population 11.39 crores (2021)
    4 Monthly Expense Rs. 10,000 - 15,000/Month(approx.)
    5 Time Difference Philippines is 2 hours and 30 minutes ahead of India
    6 Currency Philippine peso(₱)
    7 Calling code +63
    8 Distance from India 4,622 kmm
    9 Travel time around 6.5 hours

    • Unlimited Study Choices
    • Affordable Tuition Fees
    • Excellent career opportunities
    • Student support
    • Post study work opportunities
    • Low cost transportation & accomodation
    • Multicultural society
    • Amazing Weather
    • Fantastic Healthcare
    P.L.T.C.I. Philippines

    It is a reputable institution that offers undergraduate and graduate level medical education programs and produces highly skilled Physician.

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